Friday, 10 February 2012

Got to love Paperchase

I very cheekily emailed Paperchase to ask for a discount for some of their quirky, fancy cake stands (did I mention I'm gay?), not really expecting a reply.

I just received a call from a lovely lady called Gabriella who said that whilst they can't offer a discount on the number I need they have made some enquiries and are doing what they can to find me a discount in store to help! Very sweet of them and, as they say, every little helps.

Follow them on Twitter:

Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Have you missed me? I missed you too. Not as much though.

Mood: Fresh and peachy keen.
Thought for the day: A hot water bottle on the thighs is bliss
Highlight of the week: Getting shit-hot feedback from an important casting team for my performace in a play
Now playing: Bugger all. I'm in work.



Look, i've been busy! In all honesty not a huge amount has happened wedding-wise in the past few months except for the following;
  • We are about 90% set on a marquee wedding
  • It is likely to be in early July 2013
  • We will have a mild theme to play with in terms of decor
  • Table favours are just about complete
  • It is seeming more and more likely that we wont have a traditional wedding cake
Our social lives have come to a grinding halt as we tighten the purse strings to help us save for the big event. Saving is still a bitch, but its not all bad. I'm finding new, cost free ways to entertain myself. For example, Did you know that if you take a bottle of ketchup, a 2 table spoons of mustard and smear it thinly over electrical equipment, they ask you to leave Sainsburys? They care not for experimentation.

But back to the subject in hand; weddings and civil partnerships. The oppertunity arose last year to become a part-time registrar and I now marry folk at weekends. Its really nice to see people on their big days from a new perspective and of course I get to see what works (and doesn't) for ceremonies.

I am pretty sure that I now would like to break up our service with a couple of short readings/poems, to be presented by some of our special people* but can't find anything that really takes my fancy. Some are done to death (Captain Corelli's Mandolin 'Love is' speech, On your wedding day, The Owl and The Pussycat believe it or not) and I want to find something unusal and fun. Please send any suggestions my way.

In other news my brother and sister have gotten engaged too! No, no you sick little moo-cows, not to each other. Darren and Felicity are getting hitched later this year and my sister and her man Nathan have just decided to take the plunge (engagement party this weekend should be a belter). Very exciting times all round.

I shall stop now and leave on the promise to myself that I will try to post something on here at least once a week from now on.

*I mean our maids of honour/usher. I know that "special people" makes them sound like they are taking a break from licking windows but I can't bring myself to actually call them "groomsmaids".