Mood: OK with a hint of the belly-wobbles.
Thought for the day: Broadchurch was amazing and Olivia Colman is phenomenal.
N/P: Nowt, I’m at work. Clearly being very diligent.
I have the fear. And not in a cheeky Lily Allen way. Time is ticking away and whilst I’m sure we’re hitting all the marks and doing exactly what we should I’m still left with a soufflĂ©-in-a-cupboard sinking feeling. We’ve both been discussing and organising things flat out for the past few weeks but it always feels like more could/should be underway and its getting my stylish yet affordable knickers in a twist. I fear this is how bridezillas are born.
Aside from that, lots of fun things going on at the moment:
Firstly we’ve booked a menu tasting session with parents at The Belle Epoque. Anyone that knows me knows that I’m an absolute gannet (as I proved with the hor d'oeuvre at our friends wedding a few weeks ago) and I can’t wait. One of the big selling points of the venue is that, whilst they are a boutique hotel, they are primarily a restaurant with phenomenal food. I look forward to a food induced coma in May.

We have two gifting options for people wishing to give us something on the day, one with John Lewis and one with Trailfinders. On Sunday we went to John Lewis, were given a handheld scanning device and were set lose to browse and make up our list. I had visions of us running around like kids in a sweet shop, zapping everything in site, diving and spinning through the air in a Bond style display of well targeted laser tagging. It wasn’t. We spent twenty minutes choosing the most attractive hoover, I threw a bitch-fit when I couldn't find a gravy boat and we nearly came to blows over kitchen clocks. If you ever are in the same position I suggest giving yourselves more than 2 hours to take on this task and possibly split a Valium before picking up the zapper.
In other news I’ve managed to sprain a tendon in my knee.
Was it by falling? No.
Was it by some sporting mishap? No.
Was it perhaps by running for a tram to make sure I’m on time for work as I’m fastidiously reliable? Don’t be daft.
I was knee-skidding to pick up an inflatable guitar at the aforementioned friends wedding.
Don’t look at me like that.
What else is a 29 year old man supposed to do in the guitar-solo of Queen’s "Don’t stop me now" when the opportunity arises? All seems to be healing well, crutches are gone and hopefully I’ll be back to dancing like an octopus having a seizure by the stag do.