Sunday, 26 June 2011

En-GAY-gement party

Mood: Knackered! Just got in from t'gym
Now playing: Shirley Ellis - The Clapping Song
Highlight of the week: Seeing Glee live at the MEN arena. Gayest, most shameful 2 hours of my life to date. And I've been to Vauxhall.

Last Saturday night was the engagement party and I think now, 1 week on, we're just about fully recovered. It was an incredible night, although due to trying to speak to everyone, I can barely remember a single conversation.

We had told the venue, Rain Bar, a few weeks prior to the event that we were expecting about 40 people and the manager scheduled one staff member to cover our bar. At the peak there were almost 90 people there! Had to make guilt flavoured apology cupcakes for the staff the next day (I think someone had to stay late to help out).

Thanks to everyone who came, helped with decorations or baked for us. All greatly appreciated. Also, we had requested that no one give us any gifts but instead donated to The Wood Street Mission ( and it seems we raised in-excess of £200 for them! Aces.

In other news I have now chosen and asked all of my best people/grooms maids to be part of the wedding party. Regard;

Sarah Evans (chief grooms-maid for team Bacon)

Met: In a mosh-pit of a metal gig when we were at college. She thought my name was Extacy for a week.

Best memory with: My first festival (V2001) and the infamous boob-train.

Bringing to the party: Flamboyance. I you can't have a gay wedding without this living, breathing, singing rainbow.

Antony Harvey

Met: In infant school in our first week. My oldest friend by a good decade.

Random memory: Harvey thinking crushed chilli flakes in Pizza Hut were potpourri, taking a big whiff and spending the rest of his 8th birthday covered in tears and snot.

Bringing to the party: Stag do stamina. He has gotten me into more alcohol fuelled capers in the last 20-odd years than I can remember. Never trust a rugby player.

Rae Boswell (the one not wearing a hat)

Met: In Mrs Bland's maths class in year 7. Rae's name is apparently very hard to say when you've had a stroke and caused the teacher to spit and dribble. Bless her slanty-face. We were inseparable for years and I miss her loads now I'm all northern.

Random memory: Filling her mum's back yard with hand painting garden gnomes whilst they were on holiday. That and having to come out to her twice. Blondes.

Bringing to the party: A lot. She's not only bags of fun but I trust her with my life.

Nikki Bacon

Met: In a hospital after she came out of our mum.

Random memory: Being about 10, holding her wrists, spinning on the spot and releasing her to glide screaming into a hedge. I must have done it 10 times. Silly cow.

Bringing to the party: Chuckles. No one makes me laugh so much in the world. x

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