Tuesday, 28 June 2011

In your weddingz, stealin' your plans...

Mood: Grumpy - off work sick. 
Through for the day - Judge Judy & a pot of tea cures all ailments!
Now playing - Pumped up kicks, Foster the People

Being on the wrong side of 25 has few upsides – hair is receding, my face is getting craggy and I think a shop assistant winced when I tried on some carrot trousers the other day. My only hope is to ride it out, pray to Kylie that I grown into myself and wake up one morning transformed into Jason Statham. On the upside though a decent proportion of my mates are getting (or have gotten) married, giving me a load of inspiration for my own C.P. . I have been to two in the past month and this post is about the first;

Natalie and John are friends of Neil’s, who went to uni with the former. They married on 21st May 2011 and we were lucky enough to be invited to the whole day. It was BEAUTIFUL. A traditional church wedding followed by meal and reception at a very swanky hotel with bags of charm (and a lamp that would have made a 1960's Robertson's jam employee raise an eyebrow, regard;).

During the meal and speeches the bride and groom wore traditional Indonesian attire, a nod to Natalie's fathers heritage which was unique and elegant. Champaign and canapés when we arrived, wine at the table and a free bar in the evening ensure that we all had a brilliant day. It also ensured that I hit the dance floor like a possessed epileptic and swung Natalie around the dance floor, possibly to her horror. A killer buffet including end-of-the-night bacon butties soaked up the excess booze (but not enough to stop my friends Jo and Phil entering comas on the back seat of the car - I have decided for the safety of my testicles not to post those pics). Amazing day! 

Ideas I might want to steal: a table filled with sweets, video camera set up for guests to record messages and treating guests to a free bar! Though the latter might not be possible/sensible knowing our mates ;o)

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