Thursday 2 June 2011

Gay fish and financial woes

Been an age since I posted on this so about time for an update.

The past month has pretty much involved me pulling my hair out over money. That’s my excuse for the receding hairline and I’m sticking to it. I want the big day to be memorable, fun and as hassle free for our guests as possible and the average post for a CP, meal, party, honey-moon etc. seems to be at about £12-14k or so. This seems steep to a man such as myself who can usually be found in the discount fridge section of Tesco (“OMFG! Rainbow trout for £1.89!! It expires today but I must buy all seventeen!”). However when compared to the cost of the average straight wedding, which was reported to be £18,605 as of May 2011, I get the urge to wave my rainbow trout flag aloft and squeal in delight at saving a few quid for being a bummer.

Still, it means a lot of saving is to be done. I have had a budget set for me by my more financially astute fiancĂ©, new accounts have been applied for with the best rates of interest and, though it almost made me weep, I have been dropping CV’s off for part time bar work. I have already been subjected to a totally fruitless interview for a door host position at a new restaurant in town. Well, I say "interview". I sat there for ten minutes whilst two beige human beings fingered my CV and questioned my ability to put on a tie and write down names and numbers. I should probably be more concerned that I didn’t get the job.

I did win £4.40 on the euromillions on Friday though so, y’know, swings and roundabouts.


  1. Keep posting man! Where's the dedication? Where's the love?

  2. I'm trying! It's very time consuming!
